Eating Disorder Treatment Psychiatrist in Columbia, MO
Eating disorders are increasingly prevalent, affecting people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds around the globe. Research indicates that millions of individuals worldwide suffer from these complex conditions, with a particularly high incidence among teenagers and young adults. Visit Success Health System today to get comprehensive and specialized treatment for eating disorders by board-certified psychiatrist Dr. Moses Tabe Ambilichu, MD. For more information, contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 3600 I-70 Dr. SE- Ste C, Columbia, MO, 65201.
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Additional Services You May Be Interested In
▸Addiction Treatment
▸ADHD Treatment
▸Anxiety Treatment
▸Bipolar Disorder
▸Depressive Disorders
▸Mental Disorder
▸Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
▸Psychotic Disorders
▸PTSD Treatment
▸Phobias and Fears Therapist
▸Substance Disorder
▸Social Anxiety Psychiatrist
▸Medication Management