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Trauma Psychiatrist Q&A

Trauma Psychiatrist Q&A

At Success Health System LLC, we understand that personal trauma is a difficult road to navigate – and that’s why we’re committed to walking it with you. Get comprehensive and specialized diagnosis and treatment from a board-certified psychiatrist and mental health specialist Dr. Moses Tabe Ambilichu M.D. Contact us today to book an appointment or to ask any questions that you may have – we’re happy to help provide the answers you need to feel confident in your decision moving forward. We have convenient locations to serve you in Creve Coeur MO, St. Louis MO, Independence MO, Columbia MO, and Olathe KS.

Trauma Psychiatrist Near Me in Creve Coeur MO, St. Louis MO, Independence MO, Columbia MO, and Olathe KS
Trauma Psychiatrist Near Me in Creve Coeur MO, St. Louis MO, Independence MO, Columbia MO, and Olathe KS

Table of Contents:

What exactly is trauma?
What does trauma do to a person?
What are the symptoms?
How do psychiatrists help with trauma?

Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of experiencing distressing events that are often out of your control. They often shatter your sense of security and can leave you struggling to cope with upsetting emotions and memories in a healthy way. These intense traumatic experiences can stay with you for a long time and may negatively affect your quality of life.

What exactly is trauma?

Trauma describes the experience of living through a very upsetting and/or distressing event and the negative emotional and psychological ramifications that one experiences as a result. Trauma, or traumatic events, can often be difficult to define because it is perceived and processed differently from person to person. An event that is extremely distressing to one may not be traumatic at all for someone else.

Trauma encompasses a wide variety of experiences such as abuse, neglect, family problems, being a victim of physical and/or emotional violence, serious accidents, environmental disasters, war, loss of a loved one, and much more. These traumatic events are emotionally devastating and can have a long-lasting effect that’s often disruptive to day-to-day life if left untreated.

What does trauma do to a person?

Trauma can cause symptoms far after the traumatic event itself has ended. It affects each person differently and can result in the onset of numerous physical, emotional, and psychological reactions. These include:

• Accelerated heartbeat
• Racing thoughts
• Shallow breathing
• Shaking
• Dizziness
• Nausea
• Tunnel vision
• Flashbacks
• Nightmares
• Insomnia
• Fighting and/or becoming defensive
• Avoiding situations that remind them of the traumatic event
• Flight response, which includes running away or hiding
• Freezing up, in which you’re unable to move or make decisions
• Negotiation to avoid a certain outcome reminiscent of the traumatic event
• Becoming overwhelmed, unresponsive, or feeling disconnected from your body (dissociating)
• Panic attacks or extreme anxiety
• Intense fear
• Distrust of people

These reactions happen as a result of your body preparing to react to danger after being triggered by an event or stimulus. Your mind and body protect you by setting up a ‘trauma response’ – a pattern of action meant to safeguard you from harm even though the threat has passed.

Experiencing a traumatic event also makes you more vulnerable to developing mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It can lead survivors to misuse alcohol, drugs, or self-harm to cope with the emotional and psychological turmoil of what they went through.

Trauma can be long-term and may hinder one’s ability to participate in their day-to-day life. Those who have experienced trauma may find it difficult to maintain healthy relationships or to trust people. They may struggle to look after themselves, hold down a job, socialize like they once did, or manage their emotions. Without professional treatment, trauma can also lead to more severe outcomes such as suicide.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of trauma are many and varied and can often present months, or even years after the traumatic events have occurred. How a person experiences and copes with their trauma may also vary depending on their personal situation and the support, tools, and resources that are available to them.

The emotional and psychological symptoms of trauma are:

• Shock
• Denial
• Disbelief
• Confusion
• Difficulty concentrating
• Anger and irritability
• Mood swings
• Panic attacks
• Anxiety
• Fearfulness
• Guilt
• Shame
• Self-blame
• Isolating from people
• Feelings of sadness or hopelessness
• Feeling disconnected or numb (dissociating)
• Avoiding certain people or situations

The physical symptoms of trauma are:

• Flashbacks
• Insomnia
• Nightmares.
• Feeling constantly tired or fatigued
• Being startled easily
• Cold sweats
• Difficulty concentrating
• Racing heartbeat
• Increased levels of agitation.
• Muscle tension
• Aches and pains, largely due to holding tension
• Fight or flight response to certain stimuli, people, or events

Without professional treatment, trauma can result in physical, emotional, and psychological deterioration. It’s important to seek help from a medical professional as soon as possible to address the issue and stop it from getting worse.

How do psychiatrists help with trauma?

Psychiatrists help with trauma by providing a safe space and counsel for those who have experienced distressing events and/or situations in their lives. They customize treatment to the individual, offering the coping strategies and management tools that best fit their needs and lifestyle. They can also prescribe medication if it is deemed beneficial.

At Success Health System LLC, we’ve built our practice on providing the highest level of care to those who need support healing from their trauma. Our team is knowledgeable, experienced, and dedicated to providing a supportive and safe environment that you can thrive in. Contact us today for more information about our trauma services or book in online to schedule an appointment. We serve patients from Creve Coeur MO, St. Louis MO, Independence MO, Olathe KS, Columbia MO, Craig KS, Spring Hill KS, Pierpont MO, Kirkwood MO, Kansas City MO, River Bend MO & Beyond!

Locations for Success Health System LLC

Independence, MO

  • 4429 S River Blvd Ste D, Independence MO, 64055
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Olathe, KS

Columbia, MO

Creve Coeur, MO

  • 12401 Olive Boulevard, Suite 206, Creve Coeur, MO 63141
  • View Details

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